
Select your membership area after login!
 Free  Bronze   Silver    Gold      VIP    Instructor

We are offering many memberships for the public and they are recurring or one off subscriptions. Details are listed below. Once you have decided the membership for which you wish to sign up, please click on the adjacent select box. There are online membership and in person membership in the Centre so please select the right membership to sign up. Please contact us directly if you have any questions regarding to the membership.

The online Membership purchased allows access to all member areas at the same level or specified. for example, Bronze membership, can access all resources for Bronze members. Seminar Members are available to join the seminar purchased and view videos in the Seminar liblrary. All memberships are independent.

Tai Chi Centre

You may select multiple levels from this group.

Level Price  
Free Free. Select
Gold online £73.68 now and then £58.68 per Month. Select
Silver In Person & Online £98.58 now and then £83.68 per Month. Select
Bronze Online £38.68 now and then £26.68 per Month. Select
Bronze Double In person & Online £82.88 now and then £65.88 per Month. Select
Instructor £495.00 now and then £368.28 every 6 Months. Select
VIP £368.68 now and then £168.68 per Month. Select
Gold In Person & Online £125.58 now and then £108.58 per Month. Select
Affiliate £558.68 now and then £58.68 per Month. Select
Bronze Single In Person & Online £54.28 now and then £36.68 per Month. Select

Chen Zhenglei

You may select multiple levels from this group.

Level Price  
Chen Zhenglei Seminars April 2017- June 2024 £558.88 now and then £68.80 per Month. Select
Chen Zhenglei Manchester Seminars 4-5th June 2024 £168.68 now and then £11.88 per Month. Select
Chen Zhenglei France Seminars 15-16th June 2024 £158.68 now and then £10.88 per Month. Select
Chen Zhenglei Italy Camp 6-12th June 2024 £268.68 now and then £20.88 per Month. Select
Chen Zhenglei Edinburgh Seminars 31st May - 2nd June 2024 £188.68 now and then £12.88 per Month. Select

Liming Yue Seminar

You may select multiple levels from this group.

Level Price  
Laojia Seminar £158.74 now and then £150.74 every 4 Months. Select
83 Form Seminar £158.83 now and then £150.83 every 6 Months. Select
Push Hands £58.88 now and then £10.38 per Month. Select
Spear Seminar £188.76 now and then £180.76 every 12 Months. Select
Sword Seminar £188.49 now and then £180.49 every 12 Months. Select
Application £58.68 now and then £10.58 per Month. Select
Sabre Seminar £158.22 now and then £150.22 every 12 Months. Select
Ireland Seminar Member £148.68 now and then £10.86 per Month.
Membership expires on 31st May 2024.
Devon Seminar Member £150.00 now and then £10.28 per Month.
Membership expires on 31st July 2024.
Denia Seminar Member £168.00 now and then £25.80 per Month.
Membership expires on 8th August 2024.

Wudang Taoist Seminars

You may select multiple levels from this group.

Level Price  
Daoist Seminar £188.33 now and then £12.80 per Month.
Membership expires on 31st March 2024.

Bronze Members – Online can visit all video libraries on the Bronze Member area. They can also join unlimited live classes on Zoom. The Zoom ID and password are shown on the Bronze Members page. The videos cover 8 Form, 11 Form, Full Laojia Form, Tai Chi Sword Form, 5 Animal, Ba Duan Jin Qigong and Yijinjing Qigong.

Bronze Members – Single Pass & Online can visit all video libraries on the Bronze Member area. They can also join unlimited live classes on Zoom and once a week in person class in the Centre. The Zoom ID and password are shown on the Bronze Members page. The videos cover 8 Form, 11 Form, Full Laojia Form, Tai Chi Sword Form, 5 Animal, Ba Duan Jin Qigong and Yijinjing Qigong.

Bronze Members – Double Pass & Online can visit all video libraries on the Bronze Member area. They can also join unlimited live classes on Zoom and twice a week in person class in the Centre. The Zoom ID and password are shown on the Bronze Members page.

Silver Members – In Person & Online can visit all Bronze member areas and access to the full set of selected video libraries listed on the Silver Member page. The videos cover many extracts of videos from past seminars and classes by the end of 2020. Zoom access is also permitted. Silver Member can join in person classes 3 times a week in the Centre and unlimited online classes.

Gold Members Online can visit Bronze, Silver and Gold member areas and join face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL with Master Liming Yue. The access to the full set of video libraries from past classes is also provided on the Gold member page. The password for live face-to-face classes on vMixCall can be obtained in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly.

Gold Members – In Person & Online can visit Bronze, Silver and Gold member areas and join face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL with Master Liming Yue. The access to the full set of video libraries from past classes is also provided on the Gold member page. The password for live face-to-face classes on vMixCall can be obtained in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly. Edinburgh Gold Member can join all in person classes in the Centre and online.

Instructor Members Online can visit Gold member areas and watch all classes broadcasted plus face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL for all classes by Master Liming Yue. The access to the full set of video libraries from past classes is also provided on the Gold member page. Further teaching videos are provided on the Instructor member page. The password of live face-to-face classes on vMixCall will be published in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly.

VIP Members Online can visit all member areas of Tai Chi Centre and join face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL with dedicated password for all classes by Master Liming Yue. The access to the regularly updated video libraries from classes and all seminars by Tai Chi Centre are provided. The password of live face-to-face classes on vMixCall will be published in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly.

Specified Seminar Members can visit the the online video library of specified seminar purchased and join the seminar online or in person until expired.

Membership Management

Level of membership:
Link to My Account
Link to My Membership Profile This page gives you all of the information about your membership and allows the details to be modified and cancellation. It also shows your Membership invoices and Member links for on-line seminars.