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 Free  Bronze   Silver    Gold      VIP    Instructor

Membership Description – updated on 28th August 2024

Free Members – Online can visit all video libraries on the Free Member area. They can also join specified live classes on Zoom. The Zoom ID and password are shown on the Free Members page. The videos library cover Warm up exercises, Silk Reeling Exercises, Tai Chi 8 Form, 11 Form, Qigong Foundation Exercises and 5 Animal Health Qigong.

Bronze Members – 3 options

  • Online only Member can visit all video libraries on the Bronze Member area. They can also join unlimited live classes on Zoom. The Zoom ID and password are shown on the Bronze Members page. The videos library cover Tai Chi 8 Form, 11 Form, Full Laojia Form, Tai Chi Sword Form, 5 Animal, Ba Duan Jin and Yijinjing Qigong Exercises.
  • Single Pass & Online Member can visit all video libraries on the Bronze Member area. They can also join unlimited live classes on Zoom and once a week in person class in the Centre. The Zoom ID and password are shown on the Bronze Members page.
  • Double Pass & Online Member can visit all video libraries on the Bronze Member area. They can also join unlimited live classes on Zoom and twice a week in person class in the Centre. The Zoom ID and password are shown on the Bronze Members page.

Silver Members – In Person & Online can visit all Bronze member areas and access to the full set of selected video libraries listed on the Silver Member page. The videos cover many extracts of videos from past seminars and classes by the end of 2020. Silver Member can join in person classes 3 times a week in the Centre and unlimited online classes via Zoom.

Gold Members – 2 options

  • Online only Member can visit Bronze, Silver and Gold member areas and join face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL with Master Liming Yue. The access to the full set of video libraries from past classes is also provided on the Gold member page. The password for live face-to-face classes on vMixCall can be obtained in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly.
  •  In Person & Online Member can visit Bronze, Silver and Gold member areas and join face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL with Master Liming Yue. The access to the full set of video libraries from past classes is also provided on the Gold member page. The password for live face-to-face classes on vMixCall can be obtained in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly. Edinburgh Gold Member can join all in person classes in the Centre and online.

Instructor Members Online can visit Gold member areas and watch all classes broadcasted plus face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL for all classes by Master Liming Yue. The access to the full set of video libraries from past classes is also provided on the Gold member page. Further teaching videos are provided on the Instructor member page. The password of live face-to-face classes on vMixCall will be published in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly.

VIP Members Online can visit all member areas of Tai Chi Centre and join face-to-face live classes via Zoom and VmixCALL with dedicated password for all classes by Master Liming Yue. The access to the regularly updated video libraries from classes and all seminars by Tai Chi Centre are provided. The password of live face-to-face classes on vMixCall will be published in the Gold member area and WhatApp group. You will be invited to join the WhatApp group once you signed up. Please contact Master Liming Yue directly to set up your vMixCall connection to enable you join the classes smoothly. A 25 minutes of private lesson per month can be arranged in advance at free of charge.

Specified Seminar Members can visit the the online video library of specified seminar purchased and join the seminar online or in person during your active period of membership.