Refundable Membership – Special and Limited Time Offer – published on 8th September 2024

For the purpose of promoting Tai Chi & Health Qigong to benefit the people worldwide and get to an improved cash flow to maintain our online teaching system we are offering this special Refundable Membership to all Tai Chi practitioners. This special offer will be run by Master Liming Yue through Tai Chi Centre Ltd. to provide effectively Refundable Membership to those who are dedicated to train in authentic Chen Style Tai Chi with Master Liming Yue online for 2 years. We are aiming to bring more people to join us through our Refundable Membership and we very appreciate your great support!

This offer is open to ALL who are prepared to sign up and commit to all of the following:

The terms and conditions

    • You commit to join online or in person attending at least two classes per week.
      (Absence is permitted upon request for special circumstance such as holiday or sickness)

    • Pay the Membership fee (see below) in advance in Stirling (payment is due on sign up)

    • Refunds will be paid back in Stirling by bank transfer.
      (the value of non-Stirling payment and refund will depend on the exchange rate on the day the transaction)

    • Promise to promote Tai Chi Centre Ltd. through your personal social media community at regular basis.

    • Arrange for two people to sign up paid membership each year.

    • Payments through PayPal will be reduced by 5% to cover their charges.
      (To avoid PayPal charge please make a bank transfer payment to the bank account directly)
      The Barclays Bank;
      51 Moseley Street
      M60 2AU;
      Account Name: Liming Yue;
      Sort code: 20-55-59; Account number: 73161986;
      IBAN: GB82 BARC 2055 5973 1619 86; SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22;

    • You will receive a full refund if you change your mind within 14 days. Tai Chi Centre will also keep the full right to terminate your membership at any time if you failed to meet the requirements above. At this case you will receive the full payment back.
      (The refund will be reduced by 5% per person if you use Paypal and the exchange rate losing of the original value is your own responsibility)

What are the benefits?

Free lessons as published in the Timetable on the website

    • All of the benefits of Gold or VIP membership as published on the website membership pages.

    • Discount for all on-line shopping and seminars conducted by Master Liming Yue.
      (use code: Gold2024)

    • Welcome to Join our residential training camp in Liming Yue’s Training Centre, Xiangtan City, China
      for two weeks starting in February 2025:
      VIP – FREE of charge
      Gold in person – 50% discount
      Gold online – 25% discount
      (You will be responsible to pay your own flights, insurance and visa)
      Please book your places online in advance at our residential training page.

What is the cost?

        • Cost at sign up
        • VIP – £4500
        • Gold in person – £3000
        • Gold online – £1500

Booking link: