Tai Chi instructors and students worldwide can apply for entry to a competition by selecting the following links:


Application Process for Competitors

1) Pay the entry fee
2) Provide contact details and competition choice
3) Upload videos and/or images to support your Competition Application
4) Go here to view your Competition Application or to make changes to it

Voting and Results

Cast votes for the Competitors – Open soon
Go here to view the Competition Results (This page only shows your own result, the full listing of resultd will be published after the closing date of the comeptition)
Go here for the Competition Judges Panels
(Access is restricted to Judges only)

Details about the Competition

The Tai Chi 8 Form was created by Master Liming Yue, based on Chen Style Tai Chi Laojia Form, and it has been taught around the world for over 10 years. As part of the 25 years Anniversary of Tai Chi Centre established in the UK, we are going to host a Tai Chi 8 Form Competition 2021 Online, starting from 12th April 2021, and the closing date is 8th June 2021; candidates can apply for the competition online and upload videos for the Judge panel to score and members to vote.

Four categories for the competition will be scored by Judges: Instructors (Female and Male) and Students (Female and Male).

The competition entry fee is £16 for instructors and £12 for students. All candidates are required to submit one demonstration video clip of Tai Chi 8 Form, and Instructors have to submit an additional teaching video clip under 3 minutes.

Who can join the competition and what is the procedure?

Anyone who is practising the Chen Style Tai Chi Form is welcome to join the competition, and the standard of the movements are same as all Chen Style Tai Chi Laojia or Old Frame Form. Once you sign up for the competition, the download link for the demonstration video clip of Tai Chi 8 Form from Master Liming Yue will be sent to you as a reference for you to make your videos for the competition.

All judges are welcome to join the competition as show purpose only but won’t take any award of cash prize and certificates place from each category.

The candidates will be published on the website competition voting page, where all members can vote for their favorite candidate; additional votes can be purchased by following a link on this page. Voting will be closed by 12th June 2021 and Awards will be published during the Ceremony online on 13th June 2021.

All candidates and voting members will receive a FREE downloadable Tai Chi 8 Form Performance video clips of Master Liming Yue at 3 different speeds
The first 6 candidates of each category will receive an award certificate from Tai Chi Centre.
The first 3 candidates of each category will receive an award certificate from Tai Chi Centre plus cash prize.

How to Win the competition and what are the judge and voting involved?

The competitions are skill-based and will be judged by all appointed judges on the technique panels as normal, traditional competitions. We will also invite all members and FREE Users on the website to vote for their favorite candidates, and we will combine scores from Judge panel and Voting for each category of competition. Everyone can vote for an unlimited number of candidates and cast multiple votes for the same candidates with additionally purchased votes. Each member and FREE user has one vote for FREE, and additional votes to top up may be purchased. The Vote product for purchasing additional votes will be published on the voting page later.

How the final score is calculated

The winners of each category will be decided by combining Judges score and Votes cast for Competitors. The combined score will be calculated by adding a value related to the number of votes gained by the competitor to the judges score (0-10).
For example, if the total votes cast for Female Instructors is 60 and Female Instructor A has received 30 of these votes, and the Judges have given A a score of 8.0, the calculation is 8.0 + (30/60)x3 = 8.0 + 1.5 = 9.5; This means that the number votes cast for Competitors in a particular category can significantly increase their chances of winning.

Cash Award: Total of £720

The First place will receive cash award of £100 and the Second place will receive £50 and the Third place will receive £30. Cash prize of £720 in total for 4 categories will be paid to the candidates.

Certificate Award: From Tai Chi Centre

The First 20% of each category will receive certificate award of Gold and the Second 20% will receive certificate award of Silver and the Third 20% will receive certificate award of Bronze. Rest of candidates will receive a participate certificate upon request.

Raffle Prize and Award: Total of £540

There will be Raffle prize and Award for category of Lucky Candidates, Lucky Audiences and Top 3 Voting Members. T&C to be published later. Total prizes are worth £180 for each category. The First place will receive cash award of £100 and the Second place will receive £50 and the Third place will receive £30.

When the size of the category exceed 40 people we will exend the cash award to fourth place at £25, fifth place at £20 and sixth place at £15 as encourage to the cadidates.

The Lucky Candidates will be picked in the live streaming Award Ceremony by Representatives from the Judging panel.
Lucky Audiences will be picked in the live streaming Award Ceremony. Please purchase Raffle ticket and get a Raffle number for Prizes. In order to verify your attendance please join Zoom to receive your winning Lucky Audiences Raffle prize.
The Top 3 Voting Members will be allocated from the top 3 Voting purchaser.

Payments Method and the Source of Funds

All payments and prizes worth of £1,260 cash will be processed via PayPal. All fund is sponsored by Master Liming Yue and more sponsorship are welcome – please contact Master Liming Yue at liming.yue@taichicentre.com

Rule and Method of the Judge

1. Follow the stardard movements performed by Master Liming Yue
2. Score from Judge Panel plus Voting Cast converted score, which is weighted as 30%; The Judge Panel will provide valuable comments about everyone’s form and it is great references for your future practice.
3. Time of the video is limited to 3 minutes.
4. All videos provided must be recently produced and shouldn’t be published anywhere else.
5. The videos must clear, smooth and steady in mp4 format. Copyright free music is allowed. Low quality videos may be disqualified to enter the competition and the competition fee is non-refundable.
6. Please provide profile picture in jpeg format as passport photo stardard for the certification and list for judge & voting.
7. The Tai Chi Centre has the right to edit any competition videos for the purpose of keeping the same stardard and presentation.
8. All bad or illegal images and text within the videos will be resulting in disqualify the entry of competition. No advertise and other people’s logo are allowed on the videos.
9. All competors have the liability to make sure all videos, images and musics used are copyright free. The Tai Chi Centre are not reliable for any copyright, privacy, trade mark, and any business related issues and lawful responsibility.
10. Tai Chi Centre has the right to make final judgement and decision to publish or broadcast part of all the competion videos, images and musics.
All safty and health related issues during the produce the videos, images and music for the competition are at the competitors own risk.